Meet a few of our Artisans
The Scarlet Thread is proud to represent hundreds of artisans from around the world. Each one is a REAL person with a name. Each one has a REAL story of determination, strength, and hope to share. They are the reason The Scarlet Thread exists. It's SO much more than business to us; it's our purpose!
The White Peacock
Widows are outcasts in tribal India. After Sunhala's husband died, she had no family support or a way to earn income. She was grieving, alone, and had little hope. Then Sunhala found The White Peacock, a handicraft training business that teaches women how to design and craft handmade items. Sunhala is now able to support herself by selling her designs.
Project Have Hope
Meet Akot Josephine. She is an escaped abductee from the Northern Uganda conflict. She has witnessed great brutality in her past but now lives a fulfilling life thanks to Project Have Hope. She creates their best-selling necklace. Josephine is proud of her work and that she is able to support & educate her 3 children.
Fair Anita
Violence against women is significant in Ethiopia. Thanks to Team Ethiopia, women are given refuge, health care, and a chance for a new life. These talented women make beautiful jewelry from bullets left in the fields from the Ethiopian-Eritrean war. They truly make beauty from ashes.